Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Good Fortune - Bonnie Hunter Mystery - Fabrics

Are you making Bonnie Hunter's new mystery quilt? It's called Good Fortune - what a great name. I just L-O-V-E the colours she has chosen this year.

I'm generally not a mystery quilt person but I made her On Ringo Lake last year in half-size and really enjoyed it. (One of my DDs fell in love with it so it's found a good home.

I plan to blog about my experience this year for the first time -- we'll see how it goes.

Now to choose the fabrics.

The paint chips:

Bonnie's fabrics:

Amazingly(!), I just bought these four last week - I'll think they will be where I begin.

Over on the Quiltville FB page, a very kind reader posted DMC floss colours that closely match the paint chips! Hurrah!
DMC Floss Colours FB Post